September 1 – 30

If your local pool is open;
If your club training sessions are back;
If you have a competitive streak;
If you are  missing the regular swim meets;
If you can’t get to regular swim meets in the best of times;
If you need something to strive for in these difficult times;
If you just want to get together with your club mates;

Then this virtual swim meet may be just what you need.

Have your swims timed, whether in a training session or club time trials anytime over the month of September, and submit the times via the online form. 

No member login is required, so times can be entered by the individual swimmer, or on behalf of members by a club recorder/coach/secretary.

As with the previous virtual challenges, results will be displayed in real time – join in the fun, and encourage your club mates to participate with you.

Submit all enquiries regarding entries or results to the Branch Meet Recorder

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